Note from Con Cobert (1916)
Con Colbert wrote eleven short notes to friends and family the night before his execution on May 8, 1916, for helping to lead the Easter Rising. One of those notes was to his eldest sister, Catherine “Katty” Colbert Woulfe, whose husband, Richard B.. Woulfe, ran a pharmacy in Abbeyfeale.
My dear Katty,
Goodbye and God bless you.
Forgive me the little I owe you—I would I could ere I died, but ‘twas not to be.
Pray for me when I am gone and I hope we’ll all meet in Heaven—give my love to Dick and the children and remember me.
Ever your fond brother,
[John O’Callaghan, 16 Lives: Con Colbert (Dublin: The O’Brien Press, 2015), 207.]
Top of the page: the remains of Abbey Street and Sackville Street after the Easter Rising